n Trumpe Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENU.EXE b WINDOWS b ANSWER 4. 3 sixes = imperfection; 3 sevens = perfection. 3. The powers of unbelief. 2. The catastrophe of Final Judgment. 1. God's plan for human history. (Author's Judgment) ANSWER WINDOW 4. final judgment 3. gospel 2. Jesus 1. God ANSWER WINDOW e. the great city that rules over kings of earth d. peoples, multitudes, nations, languages c. ten kings of the future b. seven kings a. seven hills the righteous acts of the saints b. the seven churches a. the angels of the seven churches ANSWER WINDOW R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDOPress ENTER to return to DOS. in their proper places later. We will examine most of the above items again than to provide definitive answers. more to whet your exegetical appetite The exercises in this project have been designed Note: END OF PROJECT 003: Interpretation of Revelation * * * * * for the gospel in all his visions and symbolism. communicated in direct speech or writing. We must look form the same gospel which he and others have elsewhere in words. John is communicating in symbolic in visions the same gospel which Paul and others EXPLAIN then to understand what the symbolism means. John SEES symbolism. Our task is first to to see what he saw, and In Revelation John describes his visions, using prolific * * * HOMILY * * * the best. c. Representatively: building materials in heaven will be flawless. b. Symbolically: everything in the future life will be paved with genuine gold. a. Literally: the main street of New Jerusalem will be 4. How do you understand the 'street of pure gold' in 21:21? non-Christian nations. c. Symbolically: armed conflict between Christian and b. Symbolically: conflict between gospel and falsehood. a. Literally: war between Michael and Satan in heaven. 3. What does the 'war in heaven' represent in 12:7?Screen # 6 (continued next screen) c. A time of great personal tragedy. b. The entire period of human history after Christ. a. A future time of severe persecution on earth. 2. What is meant by the 'great tribulation' in 7:14? Are the riders a) the SAME, or b) DIFFERENT persons? 1. Compare the 'white horse' of 6:2 and 19:11. D. Here are a few more tests of your interpretive prowess.Screen # 5 4. 13:18, the number 666 3. 9:3, locusts from the Abyss 2. 6:14, the sky rolling up like a scroll ____________________________________________ 1. 5:1, the scroll sealed with seven seals symbols represent. of interpretation by surmising what the following more difficult to understand. Exercise your powers C. Here are some samples in which the symbolism is muchScreen # 4 4. ______________________ 3. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 1. ______________________ 4. 14:14-20, the harvesting of earth 3. 10:9-11, the little scroll which John eats 2. 5:6-10, a Lamb looking as if it had been slain 1. 4:1-3, someone sitting on a throne SUGGESTIONS: final judgment, God, gospel, Jesus following passages probably means. From the list of suggestions, show what the symbolism in the are a few samples in which the symbolism should be fairly clear. B. In most visions, however, the symbolism is not explained. Here Screen # 3 e. The woman = d. The waters = c. The ten horns = b. The seven heads are also = a. The seven heads = Write what the following represent. 3. Read 17:9-18.Screen # 2Press F1 for Answer Window The fine linen = 2. Read 19:8.Press ENTER to continue. b. The seven lampstands = a. The seven stars = Write what the seven stars and lampstands represent. 1. Read 1:20. A. In a few instances John himself explains the symbolism.Screen # 1 PROJECT 003: Screens 1 - 6 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced ReENTRy. Press F4 then ENTER to Restart SCReeN. Press F3 then ENTER for Project MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for Answer WINDOw. The menu at the bottom of the screen means: HELP and thus to provide practice in interpreting them. which will be encountered later, but simply to provide samples of the kinds of problems definitive answers to the questions raised, The purpose of this Project is not to provide (Screens 1 - 6) INTERPRETATION OF REVELATION PROJECT 003 requires us to consider. interpretive questions which the book of Revelation This Project introduces some samplings of